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To setup Virtual FTP server using pure-ftpd in CentOS is as below :
1. Download the packages.
Assuming you already had rpmforge repo enable in your yum.conf.d
yum install pure-ftpd pure-ftpd-selinux -y |
2. Add the a valid user to behave / mapped as the virtual user.
need only one.
#useradd ftpuser -d /opt/ftp_users |
2. then edit the config file /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf
to reflect the differences as below :
[root@nb-namran pure-ftpd]# diff pure-ftpd.conf.original /home/namran/ftp/pure-ftpd.conf
< BrokenClientsCompatibility no
> BrokenClientsCompatibility yes
< MaxClientsNumber 50
> MaxClientsNumber 200
< MaxClientsPerIP 8
> MaxClientsPerIP 24
< NoAnonymous no
> NoAnonymous yes
< # PureDB /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb
> PureDB /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb
< PAMAuthentication yes
> # PAMAuthentication yes
< # IPV4Only yes
> IPV4Only yes
3. then make sure to add user with something as following sequence :
mkdir /opt/ftp_users/usernamehere chown ftpuser:ftpuser /opt/ftp_users/usernamehere pure-pw useradd usernamehere -u ftpuser -g ftpuser -d /opt/ftp_users/usernamehere/ pure-pw mkdb pure-pw list |
4. Test by trying to login as newly added user.
then try to put / make directory to make sure everything is fine.
That’s all.