How to write an upstart event.d script

this one to suit the setting of having in /etc/inittab at
the version of previous inittab in fc8

vp:345:respawn:/usr/sbin/vtund -n -f /etc/vtund-pcnamranhq.conf pcnamran-hqsatellite

but for fc9 .. it is now using upstart.. the same thing that had been used by ubuntu 8.04 / 8.10 ..

so need to create a new one at /etc/event.d/vpn2hqsatellite


# vpn2hqsatellite - vtund
# This service maintains a vtund client from the point the system is
# started until it is shut down again.
description     "vtund client daemon"
author          "Namran Hussin namran at namran dot net"
start on runlevel 3
start on runlevel 4
start on runlevel 5
stop on runlevel 0
stop on runlevel 1
stop on runlevel 6
exec /usr/sbin/vtund -n -f  /etc/vtund-pcnamranhq.conf pcnamran-hqsatellite

to test.. start it with..

initctl start vpn2hqsatellite

kinda weird.. as before we just use

kill -HUP 1

but nevermind as long as it working then fine..

initctl status vpn2hqsatellite

easy .. huh?

btw : ‘encrypt yes;’ on vtund-3.0.1 can’t connect to server vtund-1.0.8 with ‘encrypt yes;’ option.
as default for 1.0.8 encrypt is just blowfish. but for 3.0.1 is default method is ‘blowfish128ecb’.

and this wordpress plugin code can’t process a line with white-space as part of the code..

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2 Responses

  1. agimhoffman says:

    STK is the flagship product of the company I work for, Analytical Graphics, Inc., which makes analysis software for the aerospace and defense communities. The base product, STK Basic, is available for free upon your request of a CD, which you can do here:

    The product does not expire, but for your first evaluation of the product, you can register for a 7 day trial license and have access to our extensive list of analytical capabilities, including visualization in 3D!

    Also check out out satellite tracker application here to view well known satellites in their orbits with up-to-date ephemeris:

    – Marc Hoffman
    Applications Engineer
    Analytical Graphics, Inc.

  2. agimhoffman says:

    STK is the flagship product of the company I work for, Analytical Graphics, Inc., which makes analysis software for the aerospace and defense communities. The base product, STK Basic, is available for free upon your request of a CD, which you can do here:

    The product does not expire, but for your first evaluation of the product, you can register for a 7 day trial license and have access to our extensive list of analytical capabilities, including visualization in 3D!

    Also check out out satellite tracker application here to view well known satellites in their orbits with up-to-date ephemeris:

    – Marc Hoffman
    Applications Engineer
    Analytical Graphics, Inc.


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