Namran Hussin

Blogroll nofollow

Don’t know what triggered it.. today I checked the Page Rank for my blog..
surprise!!.. is now dropped to “PR 0”..
[ad#postad] what went wrong?
then noticed the blogroll at the blog side bar which is promoting other “paid” website..
and google put the penalty in effect.. muahhahaa..

how to cure ?
Installed this plugin.

and it will add rel=nofollow to each of the link in the blogroll.. i think have to wait for sometime to return back to normal again..

.. and while at it.. removing the link at “Meta” widget.. in
wp-includes/widgets.php ..around line 860

remove the link to wordpress..

edited to become as such

<li><a href="" title="Syndicate this site using RSS 2.0"><abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr></a></li>

hmm.. what else..

edited every single page in the to point a link to ..

created a banner and a page dedicated for this purpose..

p/s : now become a bit more careful to entertain request to “add link”.. hehehe 😎