Backup laptop data.. over ssh and tar..

cd /home ; tar cvf – user | ssh remotemachine ‘cd /destination ; tar xf -‘

it will transfer all file in /home/user to remotemachine:/destination

later on.. you might need to transfer back..


ssh remotemachine ‘cd /destination ; tar cvf – user’ | cd /home/ ; tar xf –

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2 Responses

  1. HawkEYE says:

    the step to remove old plesk before can start install a new
    but it is preferable to have a complete system restore..
    *** somehow . to wait for sys-admin to do thing to you.. ah.. a lil’ bit fu*ked thing.. why not ***..

    as root..
    1. yum remove psa-*
    2. yum remove httpd
    3. rm -rf /var/httpd -R
    4. rm -rf /usr/local/psa -R
    5. rm -rf /var/www/vhosts -R
    6. service mysqld stop
    7. If don’t know the root pass for myql .try this as root :
    mysqld_safe –skip-grant-table

    6. mysql -uroot
    i. drop database psa
    ii. drop database phpmyadmin_14813SHFF <-- some serial here can see using show databases; iii. drop database horde; iv. drop database sitebuilder; v. and any other thing .. except test and mysql; vi. may have to reset pass for root to blank ... if u want to delete other user than root in mysql use mysql; delete * from user where User!='root'; update user set Password=PASSWORD('') where User='root'; may be need to add the admin user with pass setup. and with all priv here. insert into user (Host,User,Password) values ('localhost',admin,PASSWORD('something-default-here')); then have to grant.. all the privilege. to the admin then remove mysqld. yum remove mysql. ***.. after that may proceed with re-installation process. note i did'nt remove any other user created before.. such as qmail.. bla..bla.. because we are going to re-install .. then.. ./psa_installer_v3.1.2_build070321.17_os_CentOS_4_i386 answer all question.. wait.. till finished.. hopefully no problem.. may be need to flush the firewall services iptables restart.. then can access to

    you should see the login screen..

  2. HawkEYE says:

    the step to remove old plesk before can start install a new
    but it is preferable to have a complete system restore..
    *** somehow . to wait for sys-admin to do thing to you.. ah.. a lil’ bit fu*ked thing.. why not ***..

    as root..
    1. yum remove psa-*
    2. yum remove httpd
    3. rm -rf /var/httpd -R
    4. rm -rf /usr/local/psa -R
    5. rm -rf /var/www/vhosts -R
    6. service mysqld stop
    7. If don’t know the root pass for myql .try this as root :
    mysqld_safe –skip-grant-table

    6. mysql -uroot
    i. drop database psa
    ii. drop database phpmyadmin_14813SHFF <-- some serial here can see using show databases; iii. drop database horde; iv. drop database sitebuilder; v. and any other thing .. except test and mysql; vi. may have to reset pass for root to blank ... if u want to delete other user than root in mysql use mysql; delete * from user where User!='root'; update user set Password=PASSWORD('') where User='root'; may be need to add the admin user with pass setup. and with all priv here. insert into user (Host,User,Password) values ('localhost',admin,PASSWORD('something-default-here')); then have to grant.. all the privilege. to the admin then remove mysqld. yum remove mysql. ***.. after that may proceed with re-installation process. note i did'nt remove any other user created before.. such as qmail.. bla..bla.. because we are going to re-install .. then.. ./psa_installer_v3.1.2_build070321.17_os_CentOS_4_i386 answer all question.. wait.. till finished.. hopefully no problem.. may be need to flush the firewall services iptables restart.. then can access to

    you should see the login screen..


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