How to mount NTFS partition of VMWare disk in CentOS 5

First , you might have to get rpmforge YUM repo from here..

Then.. let’g get the support for ntfs for current running kernel with this :

yum install ntfs-3g -y

it shall sort out all the necessary dependencies for this to work..

then.. either test with external NTFS partional..

to mount just need


mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb -t ntfs-3g

assuming the external drive is located at /dev/sdb1

and for permanent resolution to get it mounted after each boot ..
just need to add something *like* the following line into “/etc/fstab”

/dev/sda1       /media/C   vfat  rw,umask=0000,defaults 0 
/dev/sda3       /media/D   ntfs-3g  rw,umask=0000,defaults 0 
/dev/sda8       /media/E   ntfs-3g  rw,umask=0000,defaults 0

if want to read something on VMWware disk.. (*.vmdk)
with the partition type of NTFS (*sigh..*)

there is a script come with the VMware itself..

[root@nb-namran ~]# rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/

just need to append it to become something like this ..

/usr/bin/ /home/user/vmware/winxp/winxp.vmdk 1 /media/winxp -t ntfs-3g

then..yes.. shall be able to read/write it at /media/winxp

[ad] mounting-ntfs-on-winxp

p/s : the above picture is because it had been turned off due to improper shutdown of WinXP on VMware.. .. 😎

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