It has been a while since I ever used virtual box for everything.
While it is time consuming to boot it up, and continue where I left since the previous session.
So, I decided to get a dedicated machine just for that purpose.
Enough of the need to “virtualization” for each instance of development, I thought.
So, I bought a mac book at the end of the process.
Surprisingly, I tend to “remote access to old” desktop for some period of time.
So the screen look like as below :
After that’s starting period, started to look around for guides and tips.
This is the OS version.
It need some packages to be installed first before the real work can be performed. 🙂
The first is xcode.
Once that’s done. then continue with “homebrew”, which is something like “yum” in centos I think.
yeah, my lovely “terminal” is back into action.