Sudo make me a sandwich

I have been with Fedora for quite some year.. until I bump onto Ubuntu for the first time on 2005.
that time been received free CD for Ubuntu live.. and I happened to depend on it when the hardisk crashed
and got no money to replace.. first 3month starting work at KL.. hahaha.. 😎

somehow it need sudo for a lot of administrative thing.. [back to to that time lah..] i think now is quite improved and friendly already..
But as per someone else pointed out
here []..

33.33 minute been wasting to type sudo each time..

then I just want to laugh out loud.. as per this ..


image taken from :

p/s : been using it in a file containing this “/usr/bin/sudo su -” and set /etc/sudoers without passwd for myself..
so can become root by typing short command ..such as “root” ..

yet another proof of my laziness for typing password..haha.
.. provided you’re the only one using the machine.

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