How to set auto install nVidia driver using dkms after each kernel update

For nVidia card there is a custom driver that have been provided by itself.
but somehow each time we update the kernel.. we need to re-run the installer again..

to avoid this.. we come to use use dkms technology at which will automatically re-compile these kernel
module into new kernel .. each time kernel been updated..

for nvidia graphic card..

1. need to get Rpmforge repo

2. install the dkms package with :

yum install dkms -y

3. install nvidia kernel mod with dkms:

yum install "dkms-nvidia-x11-drv.i386" -y

verify that you got installed this package

 rpm -ql dkms-nvidia-x11-drv-185.18.14-1.nodist.rf

.. because with just “yum install dkms-nvidia” somehow it pick up the wrong package…

such as this one “nvidia-x11-drv-96xx-1.0.9631-1.nodist.rf.i386”

4. re-configure /etc/X11/xorg.conf with :


at “Terminal” as root

5. Reboot the system : ”


.. during reboot.. you shall able to see nvidia logo to splash quite a few times..

p/s : .. some graphic feature just went sluggish without proper nvidia driver.. 🙂

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