Fedora Core 10 Live

Downloaded the live version of Fedora Core 10… (637Mb) from local mirror….

it took about the same time with 3.7 Gb FC 10 from Singapore mirror.. I think the bandwidth is a bit limited for local mirror..

8 Mbps allocated for this mirroring purpose or something… compared to others is at least 10 or 100.. 1000. Mbps …hehehe


well.. here is the screenshot from FC 10 Live..
booting up a bit slow ..
and not that friendly… got blank screen for about 1-minute or two until the login screen appear…


and cannot play mp3.. hahahah.. i think because of respecting copyright thing of Mp3.. same goes to youtube..need flash 9.. hehe..

but the wifi, bluetooth sound.. all.. working fine on my Dell Latitude D630..


hmm… enabling Desktop Effect lead to white screen with nothing appeared.. pressing “Esc” button returning to normal desktop..

at the Live System User icon beside the clock.. can press change user..and will return to login screen.. and with no other login . press login.. got back to previous desktop.. exactly the same as before change user..


can get the latest flash rpm from .. http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer/

but after downloading.. a bit weird.. the file is located into /home/liveuser/Download

instead of just Desktop.. a bit a while to find though.. hahahaa..

but when double-clicking the rpm file.. no password asked.. but..got this..


waiting for other tasks .. crap..and it is like taking forever to install..

cancelling.. and use the terminal

“rpm -Uvh /home/liveuser/Download/flash-plugin- ”

… i think maybe the auto-updates thing running at the background..

true enough.. after a while .. it is saying.. 348 Updates available.. *sigh*



firefox need to restart to get flash working. i think..

restarted firefox.. hmm.. refresh youtube page..still the same..

now.. cd /usr/lib/flash-plugin/

reading the README..

.. have to copy the lib into /home/liveuser/.mozilla/plugin/


.. restarting firefox again…


Finally .. can see youtube video.. hahaha.. could be not properly restarted firefox.. the flash uploader can’t read my /home/liveuser/ file .. have to to use Browser uploader instead..


to get mp3 working..

rpm -Uvh http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm


yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly

more info on FC 10 ..



then only can play mp3 with RhythmBox.. hehehe..


.. forgot to mention..
all my internal hardisk partion.. is mounted automatically with just double-click…
be it ext3.. or ntfs..or fat32.. hmm.. handy during the emergency event.. i think

p/s :  the FC 10 wallpaper is nice.. hehehe..

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