Kota Bharu Trade Center


A visit to Kota Bharu on Friday Evening.. reveal that the kota bharu landscape had change a lot. some of the road being transformed to one way street. The shopping mall now having much more visitors.. the mosque are still full with jemaah whenever its prayer time..

Air untuk wuduk shj


hopefully, things will be better. ..

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3 Responses

  1. ahstod says:

    haha … good to know, if I’m ever there …
    … can use my The Store card to collect points. 😎

  2. ifah says:

    parkson dah bukak….jalan kat bandar pon dah banyak yg berubah..so kenalah hati2 nnt pak misai bg surat love letter…banyak jalan yang dulunya two way dah jd one way..ada yg xleh lalu lg..better watch out

  3. zyhan says:

    lama xbalik kelantan.xsabar nak balik kelntan raya nie..wah lagi best when i will get shopping at a new place.after kb mall and now packson is alraedy open for public.so excited when i hear this news…hope after this kelantan got a great cinema….miss u kelantan.


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