Trip to Phuket, Thailand ~ Patong Beach

Right after the kuching field trip.. there is another company vacation trip to Phuket for 4days 3 nites.. (12 – 15th August 2009)

All the expenses for the hotel accommodation and flight ticket are fully sponsored by the “Company”.. “Techsense Solutions Sdn Bhd”
hehehe.. the motto for this trip was “Free and Easy” – not accompanied/ bound to any tour guide or whatsoever ..

Day 1 ..

start at early morning 5.a.m ~ some of us had slept at the LCCT terminal itself, including me..
hahaha.. didn’t managed to get back home that nite.. as the flight from kuching was delayed.. and only arrived the LCCT-KLIA
after midnite.. ~ luckily the power port is available at the food court (got kfc in front of the bus stop for airbus),
can go update facebook and re-charge the phone.

the flight is suppose at 7.25 a.m , and we had to check-in 2hour earlier.. which is 5.25a.m ..
(someone forgot to make a wake-up call that morning…
so I ended up to bring along the spare kiosk-CPU unit from kuching to phuket.. *sigh* ~)

well.. the flight took about 1hour and 25minute..
and for Phuket , Thailand .. the timezone is -7 .
so..we departed from LCCT at 7.35a.m and up and arrived at 7.50am

1. can see the wing and the engine from my seating in airplane..
2. the blue marble of an island..

3. booking/ negotiating for taxi from Phuket Airport to Millenium Resort.

4. the millennium resort from afar..

5. shopping complex.. next to hotel.. hahahaa


[ad#postad] 6. the boat replica i think.. or the one from tsunami ??


7. Patong beach … here i am..

8. walk around the shop.. until we lost.. (me and farhan)
most of the shop started their business at 11am. (localtime).. crap.. we’re leaving to walk about around 10.15a.m..
looking for local telco SIM card.. as my celcom is not enabled the global/international roaming.. hahahaahha


(this is subway near the beach.. while the other one is right beside our hotel.. )

9. Around 11.30 .. we managed to found our way to the said ‘breakfast’ restaurant..
and.. having something like this…
(someone had eat all the tom yam earlier.. heheheheeh)

10. having some sort of sun-bathing at the patong beach after that.. (breakfast + lunch)

11. tried out the jetski .. (cost 1,400 Baht for a 30-40 minutes ride.. )


12. the stalls

13. the road near patong beach …

14. the sunset at the patong beach…

15. Octopus.. (i think this is where the octopus for the cimbclicks came from…muahahahhaa .. )

16. actually that nite was the celebration for “Thai Queen”‘s birthday.. (i only know about it ..after reading the next day “Bangkok Post”.. hahhaaha)

17. Bangla road area map.. walk about.. (all pub been closed for Thai Queen’s birthday .. 12th August 2009)

18. “Good guy goes to heaven , bad guy goes to Patong” .. t-shirt.. someone bought it for 30 Baht..
good guy goes to heaven , bad guy goes to patong

p/s : as expected is not much scenery view for the 1st day.. the hotel check-in procedure is so damn slow.. ! ..
.. business start at 11a.m. next time better book the ticket accordingly …

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3 Responses

  1. ahstod says:

    haha … good to know, if I’m ever there …
    … can use my The Store card to collect points. 😎

  2. ifah says:

    parkson dah bukak….jalan kat bandar pon dah banyak yg kenalah hati2 nnt pak misai bg surat love letter…banyak jalan yang dulunya two way dah jd one way..ada yg xleh lalu lg..better watch out

  3. zyhan says:

    lama xbalik kelantan.xsabar nak balik kelntan raya nie..wah lagi best when i will get shopping at a new place.after kb mall and now packson is alraedy open for excited when i hear this news…hope after this kelantan got a great cinema….miss u kelantan.


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