The Clustered High-Availability Server Test Procedure

Servers that are supporting the critical operational function are advised to be Clustered and with

High-Availability configuration.

Fully redundant and NO single-point-of-failure ..

Proven and stable O/S.. with  99.99999% uptime

and the best part ..

must be “Disaster-proof.”.

then If want to write the test procedure for that line.. how would you write ?

It shall be about the same as this video :


ASCII ‘smart’ question and you shall be get ‘smart’ ANSII..

p/s : s/smart/sooodumbass/g

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2 Responses

  1. Dean says:

    I think that the usability of Cloud Computing is important and from the look and feel of the desktop-style environment, it seems like it would be really intuitive. Thanks for the screenshots 🙂

  2. Juan Sanchez says:

    thank you for this ideas. will see if I put it on


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