How to connect to maxis gprs/wap via bluetooth..on z530i

Equipment :

1.laptop Compaq presario with hp integrated bluetooth wireless

2.z530i with maxis prepaid wap / gprs data enabled.

Step :

1. Enable the bluetooth device at the laptop.

on button

for this laptop.. the bluetooth and wifi button is the same one. haha..

you may also see the icon at the taskbar if everything is just fine.

icon bluetooth

2. the next thing is just to enable bluetooth on the phone.

make it visible.and just need to right click over the icon.

dun over bluetooth

for the first time may be you need to search for bluetooth device first. at Other Devices.

search dun

click the connect button..

and something like this will appear..



if sucessful.



that’s all for normal / smooth run.. haha..

for troubleshooting.. you may need to know these..


the phone number is *99# ..

the COM port for modem is not the same as serial for bluetooth.. but anything other than that..

bcoz the DUN is offered directly via bluetooth .. so no need to add another manual modem link via serial or what so ever.


local services .. the one offered by the laptop..


while client are the services offered by the phone itself..

can see here the serial is attached to COM6 and COM8..

and realize that the DUN ( Dial-Up networking ) via bluetooth must be other than these two…

which is differ if you want to add a manual serial link for modem…

… and one more thing… before dialing..

if you like to diagnoze the modem first..

diag modem

wait for a while… or you might want to check the phone if any button have to be clicked to allow laptop to

connect to it..


and another different is.. leave the initialization script as empy..hahaa


while some other need some string for initializing….

this one doesn’t need any of it..

the common string for other ..

+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”net”<— maxis.

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