vpn on windowz and fedora core 7

fedora core 7 was released to public on 31st may 2007..

but today already 3 june 2007.

still not managed to get a copy of it.aiyo..

the Open VPN support windowz base to be connected via vpn.

as a client as well as a server ..

default is using UDP port 1194…

the client can be linux .. even if the server is on windowz and vice versa..

the configuration is quite simple.

just need to copy and place the right cert and key at the right place..

and boom.. it just work ~!

and this is the best MTR ever ?


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6 Responses

  1. dotsha says:

    The problem is:

    1) Most aunty and uncle types will never know how to log into their router and disable it. Not entirely a big problem as they are okay with the default settings, BUT …

    2) … At that time, TM set a standard “admin123” (not exact word) password, i.e. standard easy-to-guess password on all router.

    So the big hoo haa is not that TM can remote admin your router, the big hoo haa is that someone else can remote admin your router.

    For router, the impact is not so significant, worse case they can get into your personal data and copy out.

    But let’s say similar situation exists with the phone VOIP/SIP setup. So if someone “borrows” your account and makes IDD calls … and billed to you, you would not be quiet …

  2. dotsha says:

    ALSO … it turned out later that whether the password is standard and simple, or unique and complicated makes no difference.

    There’s a bug in the firmware of that router that lets someone remotely download the settings without having to provide an administrator id and password! 😎

  3. namran says:

    haha.. that’s make sense to either replace this DLink DIR-615 or change it to support use custom router instead.

    However , TM had disabled it from the menu by now.
    plain locked up ? was thinking is it worth to re-flash with original firmware or not just because some script inside /www/bsc_wan.php got commented out?

  4. dotsha says:

    I think original dlink firmware doesn’t have the pppoe over vlan support. this I’ve custom done for tm.

    And so far if you flash it with dd-wrt, tv stops working.

    the other way is to set it to bridged mode + vlan tagging, and use back your old router. or is that the option tm disabled?

  5. dotsha says:

    I think original dlink firmware doesn’t have the pppoe over vlan support. this is custom done for tm.

    And so far if you flash it with dd-wrt, tv stops working.

    the other way is to set it to bridged mode + vlan tagging, and use back your old router. or is that the option tm disabled?

  6. WeeMeng says:

    Anyone can let me know what is the user and password to login to my Dlink .

    and would like to know anyone have try to set up wifi router ? ( i am thinking to use my 3Com router instead of this DLink )



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