A trip to Grand Canyon.

I was in Phoenix for AMS exhibition , which happened to be completed on Thursday (15 january 2009 ).

Got one more day free before the flight for coming back to KL on Saturday 17 January 2009 ..

Well… need to book the day trip to Grand Canyon .. 24-hours before the D-Day..

so.. On the last day of exhibition (Thursday) woke up in the morning.. rushed to canteen for early breakfast.. prepare for the exhibition item to bring along..

go to Hotel Front Desk.. asked about the day trip booking.. seeking help for recommendation and pricing .. and bla..bla..

the cheapest one is USD 130.00 .. leaving at 7.00.am and be back to hotel about 8.30p.m same day.. agreed.. asked the staff to arrange for me.. with credit card detail and all.

get to exhibition centre.. doing thing as normal.. bla.. bla.. get back to hotel. wait.. @ 7.30pm my other two colleague still discussing to whether or not to get to grand canyon

or going to shopping centre instead..hmmm.. (as the trip suppose to be booked 24-hour before and to be confirmed by 8.pm a day earlier..).

then realize got a voice message on the phone..trading-post2

my colleague pick up the phone & listen to  the message saying that my trip had been confirmed and pick-up time at 7.10a.m next morning… yay !..

got so excited.. packed all bag that suppose to get back to KL as I’ll be out of time if want to pack the next day..

sleep..! and wake at 6.15a.m .. prepare.. go to breakfast.. wait for the pick-up time… and finally the van arrived and tourist guide explain a

bit .. some sort of ice-breaking.. bla..bla.. pickup @ next hotel.. the journey to grand canyon started @ 7.30 a.m from Phoenix..

ding..dong.. after 3hours or something arrived the Trading Post Cameron.. suppose to get lunch break here ..

get off the van.. felt so cold.. hahahaaha.. borrowed the Jean’s sweater for a while .. then after done with lunch..

trading-postI bought my own new sweater instead.. . the temperature was a bit below 10 ° Celcius..

grand-canyon1after a ride for another half-an-hour reach to the south entrance for the South Rim of Grand Canyon..

here can see snow.. and all those thing.. got a map.. wandering around.. reach the tower bla..bla..

for the first time .. witness the artifact of 1500 B.C .. . and some other geology term.. with my own eyes..

fascinating. .. ! with post the image a bit later..


Anne & Jean .. from South Korea
Howie says "Be careful guys.. the ice are slippery..don't get too close to that edge.."p1030536
Howie says "Be careful guys.. the ice are slippery..don't get too close to that edge.."
Junction to Page & William
Papi house
Papi house
dsc03783The Trail Barrierdsc03847dsc03847The Trail Barrier
Jump between those ?
Jump between those ?
A point where no one else being there at that time..dsc03672
A point where no one else being there at that time..
Help..I'm shaking.. hahaha..cold or high.. ?
Help..I'm shaking.. hahaha..cold or high.. ?

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3 Responses

  1. ahstod says:

    haha … good to know, if I’m ever there …
    … can use my The Store card to collect points. 😎

  2. ifah says:

    parkson dah bukak….jalan kat bandar pon dah banyak yg berubah..so kenalah hati2 nnt pak misai bg surat love letter…banyak jalan yang dulunya two way dah jd one way..ada yg xleh lalu lg..better watch out

  3. zyhan says:

    lama xbalik kelantan.xsabar nak balik kelntan raya nie..wah lagi best when i will get shopping at a new place.after kb mall and now packson is alraedy open for public.so excited when i hear this news…hope after this kelantan got a great cinema….miss u kelantan.


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