Tracking with google Latitude

Google had launched the Google Latitude… suppose to be working with
Android phone and also PC.
If you ever used the Maxis Friend Finder.. this surely far more interesting..
provided you got the Android phone.. hehehee.
But PC user can also manually set their location and let others know where you are about.. a lot of thing tend to be easier nowadays..


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3 Responses

  1. ahstod says:

    Wah you really have a sense of adventure!

    I’m curious how did you plan your journey … research up front or find out as you go ?

    • HawkEYE says:

      only main course/route were researched upfront.. i.e need get to seremban and then only got bus to get to PD.
      the rest of the detail were figured out as trip goes on..

      reach there then only select one of the available option..
      look around for sigboard, landmark and all.
      if all above fail.. then ask around.. which way to go to where.. and stuff like that.

      also sometime (and whenever comfortable) use handphone 3G/GPRS to access to ask for distance and direction.
      mainly when need to answer “how far more to go ?”
      as google map give exact distance from one location to another..
      then only can tell roughly how long and what to expect next..

      p/s : normally need not to answer..especially if going alone..!
      as this time I had my girlfriend accompany me all the way , so need to attend to her request also..
      else wouldn’t be that nice..:-)

  2. myxery™ says:

    pegi PD xajak..anyway g ngan saper?


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