Trip to Phuket ~ Go-cart and Elephant Trekking

Right after the bungy jump..

we drove to go-cart ..

around 12.30 at noon.. muahahhahaa.. was about 10minute play and 3minute break.. and another 10minute..
cost about 800 Baht.

the first round was free-play..

the 2nd round kinda got a correct starting line-up.. sort of.. hehehe

never had go-cart experience before this.. so it was interesting..
“you can drive whatever speed you want…”

except to remember that there is phrase which read as …

“if the accident occured.. you have to bear the cost to repair the machine.. okay .”

line up at go-cart..

Ok.. after done with the go-cart thingy .

we heading for the Elephant trekking .. somewhere near a elephant camp..

well.. from the start..
“this activity would not be adventurous like a bungy jump.. ”

so most of the younger team’s member doesn’t want to join.. except myself..
i not quite remember why did I agreed to join this activity though..

maybe it was just kinda an event to prove that..” what can go wrong.. will go wrong.. ”
“how to control something un-controllable..”

Ok..let’s see some photos..
1. the elephant’s ride look like this..

2. Johny the elephant.. hehe .. (he is 12years old )

3. the first elephant..
(yehuat + kess .. took the ride..)

4. the 2nd elephant.. (Ling offered to me as Alyssa still sleeping…) ~ luckily he did offered to me.. hehehe…

5. the first few nice moment while riding.. yeah.. we took some pics together also..

6. i think this is the care taker.. before being thrown over..

7. the last ‘shoot’ that i took before he went mad..

while we are feeding this other elephant i think.. the caretaker was just being too aggressive toward “Johny”.. beating him.. for not giving the feed to the other elephant.. somehow.. before i could even blink.. he just smack out the tree quite a few times.. then he start making sound …

and.. suddenly rush up quite fast.. until the caretaker itself thrown over..
left me alone at the riding deck..and start running upward the hill at the very hi-speed..
I was thinkin..
“Oh.. this is nice ride.. if it was planned to be like this..”..
except i had to hold tightly or else i think i would also had been thrown….
hahaha.. then.. until up the hill.. he still kinda not stopping..but still making some un-comfortable sound..
whispering in kelantan … “Doh lah tu.. boo lah” (i don’t think he understand … hahahahaaha)

and.. i think someone managed to catch us.. and hold his tail.. to make it stop for a while..
then only realized.. this could be the best moment to jump..
however i just heard..
“Kun..kun..kun”.. from the one who hold his tail.. (honestly .. i don’t understand what that mean.. hahhahahaah)

so i asked.. “Do you want me to jump or what ?”
(with my hand pointing downward..) – i think this is when my glass had been dropped in front of the elephant.. (oh..shit..)

without further ado.. the elephant move a bit forward.. and after i choose where to land..
(left-side of the elephant.. ~ this moment i was at the top of his head…almost falling forward.. geee…)
i jumped into the small bush on top of the hill.. with some rolling forward to counter the inertia for a fall (luckily managed to stop rolling with very minor injury). ..
(i think i was kinda doing some stunt.. hahahaa)
the moment i landed into the bush, the elephant had just run straight toward the hill track.. (and smashed out my spectacles.. *sigh*)

fortunately .. i was saved.. 🙂 ..
then i just walked out the bush and .. back to the base… seeing all my colleagues.. heheheehe..

then… then camp authorities perform some sort of medical check up upon me..
and refund all the fare that we had paid earlier..
after about half-an-hour or so….
“Johny” came back to the base… with a bleeding head/nose.. (so kesian..)
and he was already calmed down.. and I managed to feed him with some bananas… (a way to get rid of fearing the elephant.. hehehehe)

p/s : i don’t think that Johny (the elephant) had ‘turun-minyak’.. but just went mad a bit..
as if ‘turun-minyak’… he wouldn’t be back within such short period…. woohoo, i felt like had just riding a mad elephant for a good 5minute.. hehhee !

that’s it for the day.. all my other colleague had also cancel their elephant trekking that evening..

conclusion : always be prepared for an Adrenaline rush..!

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16 Responses

  1. Wahi says:

    Bukankah Saudi tidak mengeluarkan visa pada masa tersebut, macam mana boleh dapat? Visa tu buat sendiri kah, maksud saya tanpa melalui travel ejen..?

    • namran says:


      Ya, VISA tu memang biasanya tak dikeluarkan pada masa tersebut.
      perancangan awal nak buat VISA ziarah berdasarkan jemputan..
      tetapi last minute ubah kepada VISA umrah..
      a’a tidak melalui travel ajen..cuma untuk online enjazit form je bayar kat agen ~ RM90 per form.
      lain2 semua urus sendiri.. Alhamdulillah.

  2. myxeryâ„¢ says:

    alhamdulillah dh sampai seru boleh wat umrah…

  3. Wahi says:

    Sebenarnya saya pun nak menunaikan umrah bulan 3 ni dan saya pun pergi tanpa travel ejen. Tapi cerita dari saudara tak sama dengan maklumat yg saya baca dari Kementerian Haji Saudi. Boleh tak saya nak hubungi saudara untuk dapatkan serba sedikit maklumat, mungkin saudara boleh bgtau no telefon saudara melalui email saya

  4. shila says:

    Salam saudara,
    sy pun berniat nk buat umrah sendiri tanpa agent. Sy ada bbrap soalan, boleh tak sy email kpd saudara, tq jazakallahukhayran kathira.

    [email protected]

  5. izzati says:

    salam, panggilan Illahi telah sampai dan tuan berjaya menempuhinya. alhamdulillah. saya saya juga ingin bertanya kan bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan visa umrah kerana saya ingin ke sana jika Allah izinkan. saya ingin pergi tanpa agent. boleh mohon bantuan tuan? tunjuk dan ajarkan cara mendapatkan visa umrah yang berharga rm90 seperti tuan nyatakan…terima kasih

  6. Ros says:

    Hi, boleh x paparkn cara untuk dptkn visa tanpa ejen seperti yg diwawarkan diatas? Terima kasih

  7. nik karimah says:

    Salam. Syukur kepada Allah kerana memberikan jalan kepada tuan mengerjakan umrah. Saya juga menunggu panggilan Allah. Mohon bantuan tuan memberi tunjuk ajar mendapatkan visa umrah tanpa agen dan menempah hotel di sana.

    Terima kasih.

  8. agop says:

    Boleh tak pm saya kaedah mendapatkan visa melawat ke arab saudi tanpa agen. Untuk pengetahuan anda isteri saya bekerja di sana dan segala dokumen seperti salinan igama ada bersama saya. Apakah dokumen serta jumlah wang yang perlu disediakan untuk mendapatkan visa bagi membolehkan saya pergi ke sana.

  9. hj amar says:

    Salam en Namran,
    Saya berminat nak buat umrah… tanpa melalui agent.. tambah pulak air asia dah buat penerbangan ke jeddah.
    Boleh en Namran email atau bg contact nombor en namran utk sy hubungi.
    Bila saya buka web yg dimaksudkan itu… rasa sya utk warga US & British kan?

    Email saya:
    [email protected]

  10. ariff says:

    Salam en namran & hj amar,

    Saya pun berhajat untuk melakukan perkara yang sama. (umrah sendiri)
    Harap boleh dikongsikan tips dan cara2.


    Email saya: [email protected]

  11. zawawi says:

    dah cuba buka buat tempahan tiket airasia ke jeddah…. belum bukak daaaaa…. rasanya kalau boleh buat visa sendiri,,, agent tak boleh cari makan laaaa…. atau mungkin boleh cuma terhad… lagipong kalau lah satu hari 5 flight ke jeddah baru 2000 orang…. eh takan sampai 5 flight sehari? banyak tu…

  12. zawawi says:

    What is the cost of a visa?
    Family Visit £39; Business and Work £10 if paying at Embassy or SR1000 to be paid by employer in Saudi Arabia; Multiple entry: £96; Residency: £10; Transit: £10; Pilgrim (Ummra) Visa: no charge (2 months).
    Note: The Pilgrim (Ummra) visa can only be obtained through an authorised travel agent. Check with Embassy for a full list of appointed agents.

  13. azman says:

    salam semua…saya dah beli tiket airasia…cume saya harap dapatlah tuan2 kongsi tips buat umrah tanpa agent…spt urusan visa..hotel..transpot dsbnya. t. kasih

  14. sukaniaga58 says:

    saya juga berminat nak gi umrah cara sendiri bersama lebih 10 org keluaraga. Blh saudara perincikan caranya

  15. Shamsul says:

    Syukur, saya dah pernah dua kali buat umrah tanpa ajen. Kos yang akan dapat dikurangkan adalah dalam 40-50%. Bayangkan kalau ajensi caj RM600 sehari untuk bilik dua orang full board hotel 3 bintang, padahal kalau uruskan sendiri lebih kurang RM180 je – bilik RM120 ke RM140, makan dalam RM40 ke RM60 dah habis mewah dah tu. Kali kedua saya Umrah, duduk di hotel Hilton lebih kurang 30-40 meter dari Haram, bila-bila nak gi sembahyang kat kaabah boleh, lepas sembahyang balik hotel mandi, rehat, lepas tu turun lagi… Kos hotel tu cuma RM800 sehari uuntuk dua orang, kalau travel agent akan charge RM1,200 sehari untuk seorang(jauhkan bezanya?). Jangan takut kenderaan kat Mekah/Madinah tak ada, kalau tau caranya, kenderaan bersepah di sana. Cuma kita hanya perlukan travel agent untuk dapatkan visa umrah (wajib). Kalau kita uruskan sendiri, travel agent boleh bagi form dan submitkan dengan harga RM100-RM150 je. InsyaAllah mudah sangat, tahun ni saya dah tempah tiket air asia untuk satu family (9 orang, hotel dan kenderaan dah ditempah, bajet campur makan minum lebih kurang RM25,000 sahaja, kalau ikut agensi paling murah RM50,000 kut…50% dah save. Hotel? Hilton la, 5 bintang, baling batu pun boleh sampai Kaabah (Kalau travel agent Hotel Hilton ni mau lebih RM100,000 kena keluarkan duit). InsyaAllah, kalau nak saya kongsikan pengalaman emel [email protected] kerana saya yakin Allah akan kongsikan amal ibadat Tuan/Puan di Mekah/Madinah kelak dengan saya yang telah memberikan jalan untuk berumrah dengan bajet ciput. Kalau nak ikut family saya ke sana pun boleh, tapi masa saya tempah Air Asia dulu untuk 7 hingga 16 Mei cuma RM399 + RM26(2 x Makan dalam flight) + RM50(Bagasi) = RM475 sehala utk seorang. Sekarang tak tau la, RM3,000 dah kut. InsyaAllah kita berkongsi, dengan satu syarat – Tuan/Puan kena kongsikan pengalaman Tuan/Puan pada orang lain pula…biar ilmu yang saya beri pada Tuan/Puan berkembang hingga hari kiamat…


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